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Important Information

This documentation is produced by BNP Paribas Group and/or (one of) its entities (hereinafter the “Bank”). It is for the exclusive use of the person to whom it has been given, whether directly or by way of a power of representation. This material may not be distributed, published or reproduced in whole or in part by its recipient(s). This documentation is a publicity communication. This document is provided for information only and does not constitute an offer, solicitation or canvassing of any kind, particularly in any state or jurisdiction in which such an offer, solicitation or canvassing is not authorised or to any person to whom such an offer, solicitation or canvassing is unlawful on account of that person's domicile and/or nationality. This document or any part of this document cannot form the basis of any agreement or commitment and must, under no circumstances and in any jurisdiction, be seen or considered as a prospectus or part of a prospectus, an offer, a solicitation or a call to the public for collective investment schemes, structured products or otherwise. Therefore, this document is general in scope and does not constitute an advice or a recommendation to any particular person to buy, sell or hold any security or to engage in any transaction. The investor may obtain the legal documentation for the financial instrument in question from his relationship manager.
Because this documentation summarises a product or a range of financial instruments or services, each potential investor is invited to refer to and carefully examine all the documentation relating to the financial instrument/service under consideration and, if necessary, should contact an authorised representative of the Bank with any questions relating to the financial instrument/service, in order to have a complete view of the characteristics and potential risks of the product or service under consideration. Every financial instrument/service carries a risk, usually in correlation to the expected performance or return: it is up to the investor to satisfy himself that he is able and willing to bear this risk. The potential investor is strongly advised to be aware of and understand, if he has not already done so, the risks of each financial instrument or service in which he is interested. The investor should ensure that he has sufficient knowledge, understanding and experience of these risks to make his own detailed analysis of all aspects of the proposed transaction or service.

 The investor must not see or construe this document as legal or fiscal advice. Each investor should consult his own external legal, fiscal or other advisors in order to assess under his own responsibility the appropriateness of investing in any of the financial instruments described in this document.

The attention of the investor is drawn to the fact that the fiscal treatment that will be applied to his investment in the financial instrument described in this document does depend on his personal tax situation and will be likely to change during the implementation period of the product finally chosen. Certain legal, fiscal or regulatory changes may occur during the implementation period of a financial instrument/service and may also adversely affect the performance of the investment or even significantly alter the legal, economic and fiscal benefits of the financial instrument/service for the investor.

Whilst this document illustrates simulations/ performances and potential returns of the financial instrument or service based on market data in recent years, it should be noted that past performance or returns are no guarantee for future results. Except as specifically stated in writing, for example in the case of certain structured products, this document is not intended to give any guarantee whatsoever in respect of the capital invested (both in terms of preservation and recovery) and/or the financial return and/or performance of an investment in any financial instrument or service described herein. Similarly, none of the information provided can be construed as constituting such a guarantee. This means that in the event of adverse events, the investor could suffer substantial losses or even lose the entire capital invested, or even more in the case of leveraging.

The information, opinions and estimates contained in this document are subject to change after the date of this document and the Bank does not follow up on any general recommendations given or provide any subsequent related information. Although such information, opinions and estimates have been obtained from sources that the Bank believes to be reliable, the Bank makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, and accepts no responsibility in respect of the completeness, reliability or accuracy of the information contained therein.

The Bank or any of its affiliates will not be liable for any incorrect, incomplete or missing information, or for any losses claimed to be the direct or indirect result of using the information provided or of the general recommendations made in this document.

Tinvestor accepts that the Bank or the group to which it belongs or its employees/directors may hold or have held positions or interests in the financial instruments mentioned or may have acted as a market maker for such financial instruments.

The investor accepts that the Bank or the group to which it belongs or its employees/directors may have links with the companies concerned and/or their directors and provide them with various services, including being a member of their boards of directors. Additionally, some financial instruments or services involve multi-manager funds. In this respect, it is also recalled that investing in such funds rather than directly in the underlying funds and/or financial instruments in which they invest, does or may generate additional costs for the investor.
The attention of the investor is drawn to the fact that in the event of concluding transactions in financial instruments, the services provided by the Bank are subject to fees or commissions that will be charged to the investor in accordance with the applicable rates, which are, in accordance with the Bank's General Terms and Conditions in force, subject to change during the term of the investment. In this regard, the investor is invited to refer to the Bank's tariff conditions.

Important Information on Structured Products
The Bank does not provide the recipients of this document with any investment advice or recommendation(s). The Bank does not assure that the information given, or the financial instrument or service offered or described herein, is suitable for the investment objectives, asset situation and risk appetite of the potential investor. Accordingly, the latter must have sufficient knowledge of the financial instruments used and of the markets linked to the financial instrument or in which the concerned financial service will or may invest, in order to understand the risks. Furthermore, except in conjunction with public offerings or as otherwise clearly indicated in writing, this document has not been and will not be approved by any authority in any jurisdiction. Except in conjunction with public offerings, neither the Bank nor any other entity has taken or will take any steps in any jurisdiction where such steps would be required to be taken for offering to the public the financial instruments to which this document relates. This document is only a summary of the contents of the legal documentation. This document does not constitute a prospectus within the meaning of the legislation applicable to public offerings and/or admissions of investment instruments for trading. In case of a public offering, the prospectus is available free of charge from the Bank. These financial instruments may be restricted in respect of certain persons by virtue of the national regulations applicable to such persons. It is the responsibility of those who wish to invest in these structured products, to ensure that they are authorised to do so. These financial instruments are not intended for distribution in the United States and/or to US parties or in countries where the marketing of securities is not permitted. This document is not, and does not constitute, an offer of securities in the United States, and the securities are not registered under applicable law as amended (U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934).


This documentation is provided by BGL BNP Paribas Société Anonyme, 50, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg. Assuming that this document constitutes a recommendation, it has not been prepared in accordance with the legal and regulatory provisions relating to the promotion of independent investment research and cannot therefore be relied upon for an objective explanation of the matters discussed. It also means that BGL BNP Paribas SA is not subject to the rules prohibiting the execution of transactions prior to the dissemination of investment research. On the assumption that this document is presented as part of an investment advisory agreement, it may constitute a general recommendation to buy or hold a security or other asset or to carry or not carry out any transaction. A decision to invest in this (these) product(s) cannot be made solely on the basis of this document and should only be made after careful consideration of all its features and associated risks (as described in the Panorama de I'investisseur [Investor Guide] and/or, as the case may be, the prospectus). BGL BNP Paribas SA, as a financial institution, is subject to the regulations and supervision of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) 283, route d'Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg. ©BGL BNP Paribas SA – 2024


This material is provided by BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA, Esplanade de Pont-Rouge 9A - 1212 Grand-Lancy - Switzerland. On the assumption that this document is presented as part of an Investment Advisory Agreement, it may constitute a general recommendation to buy or hold a security or other asset or to carry or not carry out any transaction. The investor is invited to take note of the brochure of the Swiss Bankers Association (SBA) entitled “Risks of trading in financial instruments”. He should ensure that he has sufficient knowledge and understanding of and experience in these risks, in order to make his own detailed analysis of all aspects of the proposed transaction or service. This document does not constitute a prospectus within the meaning of Annexes 1 to 6 OSFin. BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA is regulated in Switzerland by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).
©BNP Paribas (Suisse) SA – 2024


This material is provided by BNP Paribas S.A., a public limited company registered in France, through its subsidiary in the Principality of Monaco, located at 1 boulevard des Moulins 98000-Monaco. On the assumption that this document is presented as part of a consultation mandate, it constitutes a general recommendation to buy or hold a security or other asset or to carry or not carry out any transaction. A decision to invest in this (these) product(s) cannot be made solely on the basis of this document and should only be made after careful consideration of all its features and associated risks. The investor is invited to take note of the 33-pageinformation document concerning the risks inherent in financial instruments and products he has acknowledged receipt when signing the terms and conditions of the account agreement. The investor must also ensure that he has sufficient knowledge, understanding and experience in these risks in order to make his own detailed analysis of all aspects of the proposed transaction or service.

This document does not constitute a prospectus within the meaning of Law n°1.339 dated September 7th, 2007related to mutual funds and investment funds, modified, and its applying Sovereign Ordinance n°1.285 dated September 10th, 2007 related to mutual funds and investment funds, modified.

BNP Paribas S.A subsidiary in the Principality of Monaco.  is authorized and regulated as a credit institution by the French Prudential Supervision Authority, 4 place de Budapest -CS 92459 - 75436 Paris - France and its financial activities are approved and supervised by the Financial Activities Supervisory Commission (CCAF) - 4 rue des Iris- BP 540 - 98015 Monaco Cedex.



BNP Paribas Wealth Management (DIFC) Limited (“BNPP WM DIFC”) is a company established in the DIFC and  regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority; it is not licensed, regulated or supervised by the laws of the country of your residence, apart from UAE. The present communication is intended to be received by the original recipient or his/her authorized signatories and must not be provided to any other person. It does not, in any manner, constitute a public offering or advertisement of the products or services referred to herein. No marketing or solicitation or inducement activities are being used to offer or market financial products in the country of your residence. None of the products and services of  BNPP WM DIFC have been approved by or registered with the local regulator of your country of residence. As such, the local regulator of your country of residence does not make any representation as to the accuracy or completeness of this document/communication, and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from, or incurred in reliance upon, any part of this communication. Nothing contained herein should be construed as constituting legal or tax advice.
This document is intended to be provided solely to potential investors that qualify as Professional Clients as per the Conduct of Business rulebook of the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). If you are not a Professional Client or would no longer want to be treated as a Professional Client, you must refrain from using the information provided herein and should not disclose this document to any third party. The UAE Central Bank, the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA), and the DFSA assume no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the statements and information contained in this document and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this documents.
©BNP Paribas (Dubai) SA – 2024


This material is provided by BNP Paribas SA German branch. In addition to the general information provided above, please note that German law applies. The information you find here is expressly not directed to persons in countries that do not allow the content presented, in particular to persons within the meaning of Regulation S of the US Securities Act 1933 and Internet users in Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Canada and Japan. Each reader is therefore responsible for informing and complying with any restrictions.
The investor is invited to take note on generic information on investments in securities. These are available from the “Bankverlag”, P.O. Box 450209, 50877 Köln, Deutschland (free of charge).
BNP Paribas Wealth Management ist ein Geschäftsbereich der BNP Paribas S.A. Niederlassung Deutschland.
Senckenberganlage 19 • 60325 Frankfurt am Main • Germany
Phone: + 49 69 7193 2000 • Fax: +49 (0) 69 7193 849572 • wm-de@bnpparibas.com
wealthmanagement.bnpparibas/de • USt-IdNr. DE191528929 • HRB Frankfurt am Main 40950
Headquarter of BNP Paribas S.A.: 16, boulevard des Italiens • 75009 Paris • France • Registered in Paris under R.C.S.number: 662 042 449
Supervisory authorities:              
European Central Bank, Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, Banque de France, Autorité des Marchés Financiers, Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution

Spain: This document is provided by BNP Paribas S.A., Sucursal en España (calle Emilio Vargas 4, Madrid 28043), a company registered as a Credit Institution in the Bank of Spain and supervised by the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Markets Commission. This document has not been subject to review, communication or authorization by any regulatory or supervisory authority.

This document has been prepared for informational purposes and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell securities, an offering prospectus, public or private, or as a contractual or pre-contractual document. This information is of a commercial nature and constitutes an advertising communication. The investment recommendation made is generic in nature, without taking into account the specific personal circumstances of the potential investor, and has not been developed subject to regulatory provisions aimed at promoting the independence of investment reports.

For more information, please visit our website https://www.bnpparibas.es/en/our-solutions/investment-and-protection-services/ or ask your Private Banker for more details.


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